West Nusa Tenggara dominated by 2 main islands of Lombok and Sumbawa and hundreds of small islands spread around them.
Generally those island are fertile and rich of mineral, flora and fauna.
Lombok Island extends more less 80 KM from west to east of the island and the length of it is about 300 KM, so the width of West Nusa Tenggara entirely is about 2.015,15 square KM with 3.400.000 people.
There are 4 ethnic groups in West Nusa Tenggara but almost 90% of them are Sasak ethnic group and have religion of moslem. |
The island of East Nusa Tenggara consist over 550 islands, but it is dominated by three main islands, they are Flores, Sumba and Timor. The arid landscape of eastern and southeastern is the result of hot and dry winds blasting from Australia Continent. In fact, many coastal areas not a drop of train falls during most of the year. Flores is a Portuguese name which means "flower" and ideally describes the beauty to be found here. The long island between Sumbawa and Timor is crowded with volcanoes and mountains dividing it into several distinct regions with individual languages and traditions.